Tuesday, October 30, 2007

3rd Posting

Now, as pointed out by Nicola I have been a bit lazy with updating our blog... so, my apololgies (thanks Nic...). I've also been a bit lazy with going to the gym too, only been once this week - I started the sunbed too (gotta bring a tan home for a NZ summer) but the one thing I did differently was wear no underwear... big mistake... my ass was sooooooo red!! It didn't hurt at all, but I can't imagine it looked very nice.

Today at work seemed like it took forever... we had the kids all day and I was on lunch duty :( Maybe it's a full moon tonight because the kids were nuts - really crazy! They wouldn't listen, wouldn't sit still and wouldn't keep quiet (really... what's new?) Or maybe it's Halloween? We have been decorating the classroom with witches and bats and have made Halloween masks for the kids.

We had a reasonably quiet weekend, went out for dinner with Satch & Janine to a place called Midora (I think). We both had a really nice steak... MMMmmm. Then we went to the American 'Yours' bar and had dessert and a few drinks. The boys haven't had a game for a few weeks so I think they are looking forward to playing in Cologne this weekend. Hopefully the girls will be going up too - do some sightseeing and see one of the last games for the year.

My bike has decided to crap out on me again for a wee while; the chain has come off and it's rather hard to pedal... I've been stealing 'borrowing' a bike from the driveway and no-one has complained so far. It's daylight savings now so the weather is cold and it's getting very dark very early... another excuse I used for not going to the gym tonight!

Anyways, me and my fish-fingers and off to do some socialising next door while the boys are at training, Ciao xox

Friday, October 19, 2007

2nd Posting

Nicola and I went to an Aqua-Fit class at the gym and it was awesome! It went on for about 45 minutes but it went by really quickly. I felt so un-co with some of the exercises though - I just had no balance and was flapping around in the water haha! The instructor was a male as well which I thought was a bit wierd considering it was mostly middle-aged women doing the class...

Jared and I went to the Eissporthalle (Ice-hall) and tried ice-skating today. It was really difficult... not so much to actually move around but to steer and stop was really hard! I pretty much stayed along the side so I had something to hold on to to stop me from falling over, only venturing out into the middle a couple of times. Jared was better at it than me but still had trouble stopping. There were alot of little kids there (because it's holidays) that were putting us to shame!! Skating around really fast, backwards and stopping to flick ice at their friends. A couple of little girls had these penguin things that they lean on and skate around with so that they don't fall over - I think I should have looked into getting one of those hehe!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

1st Posting

Hi Guys... so Nicola has shown me how to do this website thing and I can say it's already taking up alot of my time and filling in my days during the holidays! This way, you guys can easily keep up to date with what we are both doing over here in Germany.
Jared has stubbed his toe walking up the stairs to our bedroom last week and part of the toenail has ripped off. He went to the doctor because it became swollen, red and very infected and looked as though he was getting an ingrown toenail. Instead of just fixing it like normal doctors do and because the health system over here is so particular, they wanted to send him to a dermatologist and get it x-rayed in case it was broken!! He walked out of the doctor surgery and fixed it at home by himself! Well at least we know we will be thoroughly looked after if something did happen and we needed medical care!
I have already emailed people with our recent information so will update this website when more happens.
Ciao! Amy & Jared